Concept development and first problems
We've figured it out and formed a problem with you that we've come up with a solution to. In order to support and generate new solutions for the creation of new products for a community that will be fully involved in their subsequent development we need a platform on which all this will be carried out. This product will be a solution to the problem of external market factors, as well as finding an audience, developers, marketers and Influencers, moreover, this solution will help you not to waste budget on advertising rocking in the part where you just tell about yourself at the beginning of your journey.
What solution do we offer?
Creating a first-of-its-kind platform that will include a Social network, Questboard, Marketplace and Launchpad. Since for the right start you need to define the field in which we will work, our field and goal is to gather a community that will both participate and create new projects and products. Exactly, the social network becomes our main chip platform for generating an audience and working on the platform. Without this, our platform won't be any different from other indirect competitors in the field. More details about each unit are described further in the docs.
Who is our target audience?
First of all, our target audience is people who are not the first day in crypto investing, not traders, exactly participants in various ICOs and IDOs with INOs. These people will be a resource for the growth of projects and their further development through the generation of various ideas and assumptions. In this way, projects can see new or existing needs of people in order to refine or improve the product being created. In addition, the main parameter for any investor or venture capital fund is the activity statistics of the community project, so these people will participate in various tasks receiving various rewards from the developers of the project on our Quesboard. All the activities of people and the creation of a community will be made in the form of profiles on our Social network, in addition, all the tools for interacting with the audience will be given on it, but about this in a separate block with a social network.
Secondly, our target audience is developers and marketers, as well as any other people who have the professional skills required to create a project. For these people will also be made separate tools to manage their profiles for both styling and statistics of attraction. In other words, in order to make a fairly large networking will be developed a special algorithm for selecting employees for the projects, given the parameters as in Tinder). Thus, to create a community of professional workers will be created special tools to help them show their best qualities as well as get to know the future leaders through the algorithm of selection.
Third, for this whole circulation system to work, you need to bring people like bloggers, Influencers, companies, venture capital funds and any other resources of people who are players of the "big market" to the site. In this case, I think the main thing is to do the first two points, in order to interest such an audience, because you can't buy their targeting with Twitter ads (JAJAJAJAJA - *laughs in spanish*).
Additionally, our platform has a goal of attracting a new audience of people who have never been in the crypto market, but are interested in investing or participating in any other project. I am still thinking about how this dream will be realized, but I think that there will not be the same approach as Binance Guide. I don't want to say that they did something bad or wrong, just if a person wants to invest in projects on our platform, it will be easier than on the exchange, with multi-million dollar tools and strange buttons, names, terms, and complete liquidation, because who knew that there is an isolated trading on the futures. We want to make investing in projects simple and fun process in which you need to go through a chain of quests, get all the information on the project docs and deposit the money so as not to rekt (a term among crypto-abusers to mean loss of funds). P.S.: In order to do this I invented a system of child control in which you indicate your level of understanding of the crypto market and you have access to low-risk projects not one-day projects.
Why it should work?
When creating a project, there are several main phases, stages that a successful project goes through before we, as ordinary crypto people, begin to consider it an integral part of the market as if it has always existed. Let's take the project owner as the initiator of this process as the basis of creation, provided that he is an ordinary investor in other projects and simply noticed that there is some need in the market and he wants to solve it with his project. In this approach a person does not yet have the necessary connections and networking. The first phase, which cannot be skipped, even if you are an extraordinary person, is the phase of getting to know the world around you with his idea. This is the moment when the idea is created, the concept is written, and then the first public presentation takes place, during which the first advertising is purchased and the hypothesis of the existence of such a need is tested on the basis of the right marketing strategy and the analysis of the conversion from advertising.
What is needed for this first phase? Copywriters and designers for presentations, writing the concept of ideas, market analysis and the creation of roadmap, as a consequence, the creation of a business plan for the project, the creation of social networks and creating under them the content for a month ahead, in addition to this plan will need a marketing experts who competently understand the goals and objectives for advertising and create good creative for the right influencers and bloggers to be the maximum conversion. And this is just some of what I painted, if the product is quite complicated and incomprehensible to explain in words, so you need to hire developers to make a visual layout or template of how it works so that I can touch it, click and make a conclusion "how I lived without it before". In order to do all this and not to stretch for a long period of time there will be a social network in which you can find all the necessary contacts of people on certain parameters, as well as create a profile of your project, where you can lay out ready-made references on the Concept idea, Business plan, Whitepaper, Roadmaps, and the algorithms platform will catch your idea and show it in the section new projects in order to test the solution right away the market needs. In this case, the advertising costs will be only your personal initiative, because if the idea is well thought out and really needed, then your basic audience will gather without additional investments in marketing.
In order to generate activity for existing projects on the platform, your community must have an understanding that the work is being done and all promises are being fulfilled, so on your project profile there will be a special tab with a task board. Everyone can go to this board and see the work that will be done, in progress and already done. This board will be filled out by a special person from the project, most often the marketing manager and development manager. Also, in order for your audience to stay connected and be able to generate any ideas with it is necessary to communicate. At the moment, there is one proven way to talk to your audience. No one will even write a word for free, because in the world there are very few altruists. That's why there will be a Questboard in which you can post tasks and award various rewards experience, tokens, NFT and more.
That is, the site only because of its existence to remove a large number of third-party services such as Trello, Jira, Zealy (Crew3), Subber, CyberConnect, Galxe, Status3, Twitter, Discord, Instagram, DAOmaker and e.t.c. from the chain of work with the audience and search for projects for investment. Of course, by the development that we have and they have quite early to compare, but on the idea of functionality and the same level of community, the need for them falls away. And this is just the first phase.
The second phase is a Token sale or NFT sale that involves the entire audience that was obtained in the first phase. In order to conduct a successful sale you need to properly warm up the audience two weeks before that, create posts and creatives, create additional tasks with lots of rewards using all the tools of the site for the first phase, and then using the tools to create sales set up all the necessary parameters to conduct on our Launchpad. All the tools on the site will be very flexible and easily changeable, so it is not very difficult to reconfigure everything in a few hours and check it all for mistakes. In order to create a Token sale or NFT sale, you will just need to submit an application on the Launchpad. Once the application is approved, you will have access to the additional parameters of the sale settings, adding whitelists, adding the selling price, fees, etc. Thus, all the actions will be displayed on the project profile in the form of informative statuses and timers. All smart contracts for these sales will be created on the blockchain on which we will run the site, at the moment we have identified a direction for Aptos.
The third phase is the creation of the product and the maintenance of the existing state of after-sales. In order to do this, you can use the existing tools, as well as additional tools to create collaborations with other projects, thereby you maintain the asset of your community and help other projects, the methods of payment you will negotiate separately. If you wish to continue working on the marketplace, we will give you the tools to sell on the marketplace and integrate the Swap of the necessary blockchain to trade your token.
Since we are not presenting ourselves as a decentralized exchanger or marketplace, we have a lot of plans to popularize our Social network at the moment, as all the other tools are enough at the moment. At another flipside our social network cannot exist without all the other parts in the form of Marketplace and Launchpad. Therefore, once the MVP of the social network is created, all other parts will be created at the same time and will be developed at the same speed. All the approximate toolkits for each tab and their functionality will be described in the relevant sections.
So answering the main question, why it will work, we can briefly say that time is the most expensive resource and it affects all startups from the time of writing an idea to the time of product development, so our platform many times reduces the time and plus the budget costs. All the tools will help you in the implementation of your idea, whether it's investment or creation of the project, those tools that will not be enough we will integrate with existing services, if in this case, such services will not be enough, we will develop the necessary functionality and implement it at the site.
More about development plans
Before you move on, read and review the project summary on the Overview page if you skipped that step and went straight to this page. Pay attention to our Roadmap. After the NFT sale, we will update it in more detail and add new extra steps, rearrange some things, but in general it will not change much. The first plan we put the development of social network, so all the first revenue from sales will go directly to the development and marketing company.
First and foremost, we will be holding an NFT sale. Whereas other projects run token sales first, we decided to go through NFT sale because we are a social platform with a lot of useful tools, whereas token sales are run by projects that develop technology and under their token they back up the utility of their technology. In this way, we assign the NFT to our utility site. This is done for one reason: all tokens that are in the top 10 have strong technologies and therefore are in this top. As for NFT top 10 is just some popular authors, good marketing and then the development of the utility. We want to look at this NFT world from the other side, give something new, so, for example, we want to be the first to launch NFT sale to get into the attention and hype by our in-platform utility. More information about these utilities and privileges you can find in next article Birth of ALLinONE. We believe that it is our NFT, after a successful sale, will generate additional organic growth, because there is something that will make its price soar quite quickly.
We plan to use the funds from the NFT Sale to start making our site as an MVP. In order to test different functionalities in detail, it will be available as part of beta testing. Thus, before the official release, we will be able to finalize the points that caused the most difficulties, as well as add a lot of new and useful things. In addition, the beta testing will be closed and will be available to all who bought our NFT, received an invitation to it by winning various raffles or for various tasks.
The next step in our plan is to launch our own token for internal marketplace transactions such as getting a dash on the launchpad or buying NFT on the marketplace, but these are the most trivial uses. More details about tokenomics will be described next. There will be several stages of sales and airdrop for those who helped the project and was a beta tester on our site. Further development of the sections of the site will be built in a similar way in the form of tasks, quizzes and beta test sections. At this stage we will set ourselves a challenge to find huge investors, but not just to find the money, we want an investor who will also be obsessed with our project and idea and be able to help and rescue in the moments in which we will not be much competent. More detailed steps with diagrams will be on the next page.
At the moment we are already conducting the stages of negotiations with various investors and companies, so if you are reading these documents as a legal entity interested in our project and would like to create a mutually beneficial relationship with us, please contact us at the contacts given on our main website.
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